Test Your Blood Sugar Level

Monitoring the level of sugar (glucose) in your blood is the key for you to control your diabetes. To make sure your glucose and insulin are balanced, calculate your blood sugar regularly, easily at your comfort with Blood Sugar Monitoring Device ,your doctor will explain how you should do it and how often you should measure your blood sugar.

You can measure your blood sugar at home, at work, or anywhere else. Your doctor will assist you in choosing the Blood Sugar Monitoring Device. This device measures the amount of glucose using a tiny drop of blood. You will use an instrument called a lancet to get a drop of your blood. This drop is placed on a small tape that is inserted into the glucometer. The device then shows a number (measure) that tells you your blood sugar level, at Blood Sugar Level Test Device

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Find your ideal control range

The blood sugar level should be in your ideal control range - not too high, not too low. The ideal range of control is one in which your blood sugar is healthier, staying in this range of control as much as possible will help you to lower your risk of health problems. Your doctor will help you find the ideal control range; Record your measurements;

Use a notepad to record your measurements. You will be asked to calculate your blood sugar level before and after meals, using Blood Sugar Level Test Device Write these numbers down and write down each measurement with the time it was taken. This will help you to identify certain patterns, such as a high blood sugar after eating certain foods.

Take your notebook with you when you go to see your doctor. And never make up numbers! They will tell you if your treatment plan needs adjustments to keep your blood sugar in good control.

Measuring the blood sugar rate

1. Be ready

Wash your hands with warm (never hot) water and soap;

Follow the directions on how to place a test strip on your device.

2. Collect a drop of blood

Stick the side of your finger with the lancet. Squeeze until you get a drop of blood. If you press too hard, a wrong measurement may come out If your Blood Sugar Monitoring Device allows you to use blood drawn from another part of your body (such as your forearm), follow the directions on the package on how to get a drop of blood, Discard the lancet in a special needle disposal container. Ask your doctor where to find this container. An alternative is to improvise using a rigid container with a lid (such as an empty plastic soda bottle If you cannot get enough blood, gently shake your hand on your side.

 3. Place the drop of blood on the test strip

Wait for the instrument display to show a message or symbol indicating that it is time to put the blood on the test strip, Apply the drop of blood to the tape according to the package instructions, record the result in your notebook with the date and time you took the test. Take your notebook with you for medical appointments. 

4. Read and record your results

Wait until the device shows the result, If you see an error message, repeat the measurement, using a new test strip and a new drop of blood, Record the results in your notebook. Take your notebook with you for medical appointments.

Test Your Blood Sugar Level Test Your Blood Sugar Level Reviewed by unknown on July 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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